Archives for August 2023

Embracing pay transparency: Four benefits for employers and employees

Embracing pay transparency: Four benefits for employers and employees

Jeremiah Stone

Pay transparency has emerged as a key topic for employers, with an increasing number of states and municipalities implementing pay transparency laws. Overall, more than a quarter of the US population currently resides in states or municipalities with pay transparency laws. These regulations have far-reaching implications for both employers and employees, influencing recruitment strategies, company culture, and market perception. Employers, particularly those hiring remote or out-of-state candidates, must carefully consider how pay transparency laws affect their recruitment processes and ensure compliance across different jurisdictions. As part of our pay transparency series, talent expert Jeremiah Stone explores the ‘why’ of pay transparency for employers and employees.

1. Mitigating discrimination and bias

One of the key benefits of pay transparency is its potential to mitigate discrimination and bias in compensation. When salary information is openly shared, it becomes easier to identify and address pay disparities based on gender, race, or other protected characteristics. By promoting transparency, employers can create a more equitable work environment where employees feel valued and empowered.

2. Enhancing recruitment and retention

Embracing pay transparency can be a valuable asset in attracting and retaining top talent. Job seekers are increasingly seeking to join employers that demonstrate a commitment to fairness and transparency. By providing clear information about salary ranges and compensation structures, employers can attract highly qualified candidates who are confident in their decision to join. Transparent compensation practices also contribute to higher employee satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.

3. Competitive advantage and market perception

Some companies have adopted the approach of excluding candidates from pay transparency jurisdictions from job consideration. However, this approach is becoming increasingly untenable as more pay transparency laws come into effect. It not only raises ethical concerns but also sends a negative signal to the market about a company’s commitment to transparency. Employers taking this stance risk facing reputational damage and put themselves at a competitive disadvantage, potentially missing out on top talent who prioritize transparency in their job search.

4. Improved internal communication and trust

Pay transparency encourages open communication between employers and employees regarding compensation decisions. When employees have access to information about salary ranges and factors influencing pay, they gain a clearer understanding of employers’ compensation philosophy. This transparency fosters trust, reduces speculation, and promotes a positive and collaborative work culture.
Embracing pay transparency brings numerous benefits for both employers and employees. Transparent pay structures enhance recruitment efforts, promote employee satisfaction, mitigate discrimination, and cultivate a culture of trust and transparency. As pay transparency laws continue to evolve, it is essential for employers to adapt and embrace this transformative practice for the benefit of their workforce and their overall success.
Jeremiah Stone Headshot

Jeremiah Stone

Talent Acquisition Director

Jeremiah, Talent Acquisition Director at Hudson RPO, has a deep experience in talent acquisition and building people capability. With a passion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, he transforms recruitment functions and drives exceptional results for our clients.

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Three tips for pharma recruiting with Sam

Three tips for pharma recruiting with Sam

Content Team
Meet Sam, our resident expert Talent Consultant who is shaping the exceptional in the pharmaceutical industry. With an impressive career trajectory, Sam has built experience in a variety of top-ten pharmaceutical organizations, including Novartis, GSK and Eli Lily. Driving recruitment outcomes at times of pivotal launches such as new therapeutics and businesses, Sam has built a deep specialist understanding of the industry. As an expert in creating top candidate experiences and seamless stakeholder management, he shares his wisdom and top tips for pharmaceutical industry recruitment.

Recruitment in the pharmaceutical industry

Many of the roles I work on require a strong understanding of the market and specific skill sets; for example the difference between Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Others have extremely talent short markets, particularly in pre-clinical or medical work. Securing interest from a candidate while remaining compliant with the PMCPA* is key. I dedicate an extensive level of research before working with a hiring manager and advertising the role.”

*The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority
In the realm of pharmaceutical recruitment, expertise and competition are unparalleled. Pharma recruiters like Sam play a vital role in securing top talent for life-saving innovation. Challenges include niche roles with limited talent pools, technical requirements, and the busy schedules of medical professionals. It takes a dedicated expert like Sam to navigate these challenges with extensive research, the ability to maintain compliance and confidentiality without losing engagement, and strong communication skills.

Sam’s three tips to excel in pharma recruiting:

  1. Maintain the human element:
    In an era of digital communication, it is vital to remember the value of genuine human interactions. Establishing a personal connection with candidates during the screening and interview stages can make all the difference. Sam’s expertise lies in conducting meaningful conversations, allowing candidates to feel valued and understood throughout the process.
  2. Move fast but accurately:
    Time is of the essence in the pharmaceutical industry, where challenging timelines are the norm. Sam emphasizes the importance of efficient communication with hiring managers and swift recruitment processes. Additionally, providing prompt and precise feedback is crucial to shaping the exceptional results that both clients and candidates seek.
  3. Develop career-long connections:
    Building enduring relationships is at the heart of Sam’s approach. By delivering exceptional candidate experiences, he ensures that candidates return for future opportunities. Some of the candidates he placed early in his career are now returning for the second or third time, illustrating the long-lasting impact of creating a positive recruitment journey.

Shaping the exceptional

Sam’s skills in pharma recruitment extend far beyond matching candidates with job openings. His commitment to meaningful conversations with candidates, executing swift yet accurate processes, and fostering career-long connections exemplifies his ability to consistently shape exceptional outcomes in the industry more broadly.

For organizations aiming to elevate their talent acquisition strategies, and for candidates seeking a rewarding recruitment experience, Sam’s invaluable insights and expertise can be truly transformative. If you’re ready to make a difference in your career or organization, reach out to our talent experts today.

Hudson RPO

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The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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What employees want from the modern workplace

What employees want from the modern workplace

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In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, understanding and creating the workplace that employees want is key for talent attraction and retention. So, what are the key factors that employees look for at work? How can leaders build the workplace that drives performance and organizational success while allowing employees to thrive? Drawing from extensive research and insights from our collaborative whitepaper series with leading experts at Future Talent Learning, we explore what truly drives employee satisfaction and engagement in the modern workplace.

1. Belonging: Fostering a sense of connection

Now more than ever, employees are looking for a sense of belonging in their workplace. When employees feel valued, included, and connected to their teams and the organization’s mission, they are more likely to perform at their best. In our whitepaper Purpose, Culture & Belonging, we explore how a sense of belonging and purpose leads to higher retention rates and ultimately a more productive work environment.

2. Flexibility: Balancing work and life

While competitive compensation remains a crucial factor for employees, work-life balance and flexibility have gained significant importance in the modern workplace. Employees now consider non-financial incentives, seeking employers who offer flexible work arrangements that accommodate personal needs and priorities. Organizations that embrace flexibility demonstrate a commitment to their employees’ overall well-being and gain a competitive edge in attracting top talent.

Building a Skills-based Organization
Audit your existing skill supply and build learning pathways to fill the future requirements of high-performing teams.
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Leadership Mindsets for the Future
Evolve your leadership skills. Create a culture that retains. Discover what's on the horizon for the leaders of the future.
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Purpose, Culture and Belonging
Embed culture and purpose in your value proposition. Create a sense of belonging to bring out the best in your people.
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The Future of Learning
Leverage re-skilling and up-skilling to future-proof your organization. Create innovative and successful L&D teams.
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3. Culture: A dynamic and attractive force

A vibrant, well-articulated company culture has become a powerful differentiator for both current and prospective employees. A great culture not only fosters employee engagement and productivity but also plays a pivotal role in attracting top talent. To capitalize on this advantage, organizations must not only cultivate a positive work culture but also articulate it effectively through their employer brand messaging.

4. Wellbeing: A holistic approach

Wellbeing has taken on a broader meaning in the modern workplace. It goes beyond offering yoga sessions or free drinks; employees now seek comprehensive mental health support, autonomy, and flexibility integrated into their daily work lives. Prioritizing employee wellbeing not only enhances job satisfaction, it is also a key factor in talent attraction and retention.

5. Development: Empowering growth and development

Providing opportunities and pathways for professional development is crucial in attracting and retaining top talent. In our whitepapers ‘Building Skills-based organizations’ and ‘Leadership Mindsets of the Future’, we discussed how a significant percentage of employees who leave an organization could have been retained through robust development programs. Employees want to feel that their growth is valued and that their employers are invested in their long-term success. Organizations that prioritize employee development create a culture of continuous improvement and loyalty.

Does the way you shape work attract talent?

As organizations adapt to the ever-changing demands of the modern workplace, understanding and fulfilling what employees truly seek is paramount. By fostering a sense of belonging, embracing flexibility, cultivating a positive culture, prioritizing wellbeing, and empowering professional development, leaders can create a thriving work environment that attracts and retains top talent. Get your free copy of our latest whitepaper on skills-based hiring here, or discover Leadership Mindsets of the Future, Purpose, Culture & Belonging, and the Future of Learning.

Hudson RPO

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The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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What leadership looks like in the modern workplace

What leadership looks like in the modern workplace

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In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work landscape, the traditional, hierarchical employer-employee relationship has evolved. Modern leaders understand that fostering empathy, adopting a learning mindset, and shared purpose are essential elements for building successful and resilient teams. Based on the findings from our extensive whitepaper series in collaboration with Future Talent Learning, we delve into how these principles shape the landscape of modern leadership.

1. Empathy: Building strong connections

In the modern workplace, employee engagement is no longer solely about meeting targets and deadlines. It is now about understanding the needs, concerns, and aspirations of each individual team member. Empathetic leaders recognize the importance of actively listening to their employees, acknowledging their emotions, and providing support when needed. This sense of empathy fosters a positive work culture, where employees feel valued, motivated, and connected to the organization’s mission.

2. Growth mindset: Embracing continuous learning

As the world of work continues to evolve rapidly, organizations and their leaders must be adaptable and open to change. A growth mindset emphasizes the belief that talents and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Modern leaders embrace this concept, not only for themselves but also for their teams. They encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, rather than failures to be punished.

3. Driven by purpose: Beyond profits

In an era of uncertainty, purpose has emerged as a driving force that goes beyond the pursuit of profits. Modern leaders recognize that a clear and meaningful purpose can unite teams, inspire creativity, and enhance overall performance. Whether it is a social mission or a commitment to sustainability, leaders understand how to align their organization’s goals with broader societal values. By doing so, they create a sense of fulfillment and motivation that transcends traditional financial incentives.

Building a Skills-based Organization
Audit your existing skill supply and build learning pathways to fill the future requirements of high-performing teams.
Learn how
Leadership Mindsets for the Future
Evolve your leadership skills. Create a culture that retains. Discover what's on the horizon for the leaders of the future.
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Purpose, Culture and Belonging
Embed culture and purpose in your value proposition. Create a sense of belonging to bring out the best in your people.
Learn how
The Future of Learning
Leverage re-skilling and up-skilling to future-proof your organization. Create innovative and successful L&D teams.
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4. Communication: The key to collaboration

Effective communication is at the heart of modern leadership. In an interconnected world, leaders understand that collaboration and interdependence are vital for success. Clear and transparent communication helps build trust among team members, fosters creativity, and ensures that everyone is on the same page during unpredictable times. By encouraging open dialogue and active feedback loops, leaders can address challenges proactively and lead their teams towards shared goals.

5. Creativity: Embracing change as an opportunity

Change is a constant in the modern business landscape, and leaders must navigate it creatively. Instead of fearing change, modern leaders embrace creativity as a means to find innovative solutions and improve processes. They encourage their teams to think outside the box, experiment with innovative ideas, and challenge the status quo. This mindset of innovation not only improves adaptability but also positions the organization at the forefront of its industry.

6. Skills-oriented: Building resilient teams

While education and experience remain valuable, modern leaders recognize that skills are the true indicators of an individual’s performance and potential. They focus on identifying and developing the specific skills needed to build a resilient and future-proof team. Investing in skills training and development not only benefits the individual employees but also strengthens the organization’s ability to adapt and thrive in a dynamic environment.

Are you a forward-thinking leader?

Modern leadership is a dynamic and evolving concept, driven by empathy, a growth mindset, and a sense of purpose. Leaders who prioritize these principles create a positive and nurturing work environment, empowering their teams to excel and adapt to changing circumstances. As the business landscape continues to transform, the importance of modern leadership principles will only grow, shaping a more collaborative, empathetic, and purpose-driven world of work. Our whitepapers in collaboration with Future Talent delve deeper into leadership, the new world of work, and building future-proof teams. Get your free copy of our latest whitepaper on skills-based hiring here, or discover Leadership Mindsets of the Future, Purpose, Culture & Belonging, and the Future of Learning.

Hudson RPO

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The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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