Archives for April 2023

6 ways an RPO provider can transform your recruitment function

6 ways an RPO provider can transform your recruitment function

Content Team

RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) is a unique talent acquisition model and is different than using a recruitment agency. Instead of focusing on hiring alone, organisations who engage an RPO partner, outsource the management of the recruitment function. This can be done in part or wholly, and drives recruitment cost savings, efficiency, quality of hire, and more. Partnering with a trusted RPO expert can help your business unlock a world of opportunities and transform the way you attract, recruit, and retain talent. In our experience, these are six unique benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing.

1. Industry expertise

RPO providers are talent experts with extensive knowledge across the recruitment lifecycle, from sourcing through to recruitment technology. By partnering with an RPO provider, you gain access to their industry experience, allowing you to stay competitive and attract top talent. Unlike recruitment agencies, high quality RPO partners will provide dedicated on-site teams that seamlessly integrate into your existing business. This collaborative, partnership-first approach, ensures a customised and efficient recruitment process that has been designed with your unique objectives in mind.

2. Recruitment process design & technology

Recruitment process design is an essential element of an RPO provider’s services. By designing a recruitment process that is consistent, tailored, and compliant with all relevant laws and regulations, RPO providers will ensure that your organisation attracts the best possible candidates wherever they are. With customisation front of mind, a good RPO provider will also take into consideration your strategic priorities such as DE&I, employer brand and talent pooling – to name a few. R To support the efficiency and sustainability of the strategically designed process, RPO providers invest heavily in recruitment technology. From applicant tracking systems (ATS) to recruitment marketing platforms (RMP), RPO providers can select, implement, and improve the right technology for your goals.

3. Scalability

When a business downturn hits and recruiting needs suddenly drop, so does a company’s need for in-house recruiters. Likewise, when the business expands into another product category or region, recruiting needs may suddenly spike. In both cases, the flexibility and scalability an RPO provider provides will prove beneficial. RPO partners accept the responsibility of efficiently adjusting resource levels when hiring fluctuations happen. As a result, you don’t have to bear the burden of unnecessary staff. Similarly, you face a lesser chance of being short-staffed when greater resources are required.

“Leveraging data-driven insights and analytics, we ensure that our client’s recruitment process is efficient and drives results. With years of experience across different industries and regions, we know what works and what doesn’t. Our clients trust us to provide exceptional results.”

Kathie Lorimer
Kathie Lorimer

4. Brand enhancement

Your employer brand is a critical aspect of attracting and retaining top talent. RPO providers understand this and can help enhance your brand by providing a positive candidate experience. Unlike impersonal agency recruitment processes, RPO providers offer personalised recruitment processes that align with your values and culture. This helps attract candidates that are a good fit for your company. Additionally, RPO providers have the recruitment experience necessary to take care of candidate experience, ensuring that every candidate has a high-touch, positive interaction with your organisation.

5. Quantity without losing quality

When positions are critical, it’s instinctive to focus on rapidly filling positions, while sacrificing quality. RPO providers prioritise finding the best candidates that fit well with your organisation, while also reducing the time to hire. Using data-driven insights and analytics, RPO providers identify and attract top talent, and employ rigorous screening processes to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are presented to you. RPO providers also embed with your organisation on-site, integrating themselves into your team and business to get a true understanding of how candidates would align with your teams on the ground. This personalised approach ensures that every candidate presented is of the highest quality and the best fit for your organisation.

6. Long-term partnership

When you work with an RPO provider, you are building a long-term and collaborative partnership. RPO providers are invested in your success and committed to helping you achieve your goals and achieve exceptional outcomes.  Working closely with an RPO partner over the years means that there is a true understanding of your needs and challenges. Additionally, an high quality RPO will evolve as your business does, and provide ongoing support and guidance to stay ahead of the competition.

Partnering with an RPO provider offers many unique benefits and a chance to elevate your success. You will access specialised expertise in your industry and business, save costs, improve time-to-hire and candidate experience, while enjoying flexibility and a true partnership. If you would like to find out more about what an RPO solution could look like for your organisation, get in touch with our talent experts today.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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EMEA team travels to South Africa: Our unique rewards & recognition program

EMEA team travels to South Africa: Our unique rewards & recognition program

Darragh Barr

Reward & Recognition is an important part of an employer’s value proposition (EVP). According to research by Workhuman and Gallup, employees are five times less likely to leave an organisation, four times more likely to be engaged in work, and an impressive 73 percent more satisfied in their role. Surprisingly, only 36 percent of employers have recognition programs in place.

Reward & recognition at Hudson RPO

At Hudson RPO, recognising our employees’ hard work and passion is what drives our organisational success, and we go about it in a truly unique way with our annual Aspire Awards. What makes the Aspire Awards so unique is that they awarded via peer-to-peer nominations. Each quarter, our colleagues have the chance to nominate each other for an award in one of four categories: Best Leader, Individual Contributor, Rising Star and Best Team of Collaboration.
Winners of each quarter are then taken on an all-expenses-paid trip overseas to connect with other winners and leadership. So far in 2023, our winners have travelled to the Bahamas (AMER), Thailand (APAC) and South Africa (EMEA).

The EMEA Aspire Awards 2023

The most important aspect of our Aspire Awards, is the opportunity to connect with people working on different accounts, in different departments or even different regions. Winners in the EMEA region travelled from various locations in the UK and Europe to meet each other in South Africa. Arriving to the Capital Zimbali Resort, they were met by the leadership team for a sunset dinner overlooking the ocean. For many of the attendees, this was one of the highlights of the trip. Below, some of our winners share what they took away from their journey, and their advice for aspiring award winners:
hotel in Africa at night

“The realisation that I had arrived in Africa didn’t really hit me until we arrived at one of the most spectacular hotels I have ever seen. Tiredness from traveling and nerves about our trip disappeared when I first saw the views from my balcony and took in the landscape. It’s a great opportunity to get to know colleagues you don’t usually work with very often and to learn from their experiences while connecting on a personal level.”

—Wiktoria Kaczynska-Recruitment Specialist 1 (Rising Star Q2)

team watching sunset in Africa

“Do not worry about it being a work setting or that the senior management team is there. Make the most of it, relax, and enjoy all the opportunities that come your way. At the end of the day, they are there to celebrate your efforts and want to enjoy themselves as much as you! To me, the safari was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The whole experience was surreal, and I was in constant awe of the country we travelled to.”

—Oscar Scott-Recruitment Specialist 1 (Rising Star Q4)

“Connecting with colleagues that are in senior positions or remote teams that I wouldn’t normally get to connect or network with was great. I got to see people’s personalities outside of work and speak on a personal level. My advice for future winners would be: be yourself! Throw yourself fully into the experience and expect to have all your expectations superseded.”

— Adina Rehman Recruitment Specialist 2 (Rising Star Q3)

What to expect on the Aspire Awards trip?

The itinerary is usually split between free time and team activities. Depending on the destination, team activities include Desert or Wildlife Safaris, day trips, team dinners and sightseeing excursions. Winners on the South Africa trip spent their time relaxing by the pool, shopping, or raising the competition on the tennis or golf courts in between team excursions.

This year in South Africa, we finished our trip at the Oyster Box hotel in Umhlanga for a final dinner and to relax by the pool before heading home with new memories and friendships. Winners headed home recharged and ready to nominate their colleagues to join the next trip in 2024.

Are you looking to join a supportive team with every opportunity for development with such great recognition programs? Check out our careers here, and you might just be our next ‘Rising Star’.

Darraugh Barr headshot

Darragh Barr

Recruitment Specialist

Darragh Barr is a Recruitment Specialist Level 3 as well as the lead for the Saint-Gobain and Stark teams within the Edinburgh COE. Darragh started in the ‘flex’ team, helping to source for accounts such as LV and Dr Pepper, before cementing his place in the Saint-Gobain volume recruitment team.

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Priya’s Pioneering Journey: Navigating a Global Relocation and Breaking into a New Industry

Priya’s Pioneering Journey: Navigating a Global Relocation and Breaking into a New Industry

Content Team

Meet Priya, a driven and determined individual who took a bold step to pursue her dreams by relocating from India to the UK. Although Priya’s technical background was in engineering, she had always felt a strong pull towards the human resources field. The drive came from an innate passion for people and their unique talents.

Determined to turn her passion into a career path, she made the leap and embraced a new challenge: switching from engineering to HR. Through hard work and determination, Priya has blazed a new trail both in her professional and personal life. The leap also involved Priya becoming the first member of her family to receive a master’s degree and move overseas.

Her positive attitude and unwavering determination demonstrate a shining example to everyone in our business and translate directly to the high quality of work for our clients every day. In this feature, we delve into Priya’s inspiring journey and find out what drives her to keep pushing the boundaries and achieving her goals.

“Making the decision to move across the world, switch careers, and embark on a new industry was not without its challenges. I was filled with nerves and uncertainty, starting in a new place. Some people didn’t understand why I would leave a successful engineering career, but I knew there was something missing. I am proud to say that all worked out for the best. I am now in a place where I do what I love, surrounded by new opportunities for growth and learning every day.”

Priya’s journey in the corporate world began as an Electronics and Communications engineer for a large, global software company on their biggest site in Bangalore. From the get-go, she was fascinated by the company’s commitment to their employees and how it positively impacted their workplace experience. While continuing work as an engineer, her interest in connecting people, ensuring top-class experiences and learning about the unique skills and motivations of talent grew. Eventually, this led her to enquire with the HR department, where she expressed her interest in learning more about the potential opportunities for someone from a different background. Her expression of interest was met with an opportunity to begin a new career path in recruitment and HR, which saw Priya travel all over India as a campus recruiter. Priya’s drive and curiosity quickly led her to becoming a key part of the recruitment team.

“My greatest joy was seeing my candidates succeed and knowing that I played a role in their journey. More than once, the feedback I provided was a stepping stone for their success, and it was an amazing experience to see them thrive. It solidified that I wanted to be in the business of people and talent more than anything else.”

Priya during one of her many adventures
Priya on one of her many adventures!

From there, things evolved quickly as Priya embarked on her journey to becoming a recruitment and HR professional. With her technical background in electronics and communications engineering, she was drawn to the field of technical recruitment. Driven by her ambition, she set her sights on a course in the United Kingdom that would help her achieve her goals. Priya was determined to study abroad, as she wanted to broaden her horizons and experience new opportunities that would help her grow both personally and professionally.

“There was a large focus on our career ambitions while I was studying. We talked about agency recruitment and in-house recruitment, but it wasn’t until I spoke to a recruiter from Hudson RPO that I discovered RPO recruitment. It’s perfect for me, I have all the benefits and can foster the relationships like I would being in-house, but at the same time I am able to build experience across different clients and industries. It’s the best of both worlds.”

As a technical recruiter at Hudson RPO, Priya plays a crucial role in the recruitment process, covering all aspects from sourcing and screening to competency-based interviews and reference checking. With her background as an engineer, Priya is well-equipped to assess the technical abilities of candidates, particularly in areas such as Python and Java. Currently, she focuses her learning on recruiting skills to further her career. When it comes to learning, Priya takes regular trips from Manchester to our Centre of Excellence in Edinburgh where she meets with colleagues assigned to other client accounts. The set-up in the Centre of Excellence in combination with Social Talent (our unlimited online learning platform), Priya can tailor her learning to her ambitions (and she has, having collected 148K learning points already.

Priya enjoys traditional Indian dance
In her free time, Priya loves traditional Indian dance and cooking

“I want to start by learning the different stages of recruitment and be hands-on in the process, using my energy and enthusiasm to get involved in various tasks. Once I’ve gained expertise, my goal is to guide recruiters to source and deliver the best results for our clients. My ultimate goal however, is providing a positive experience for both clients and candidates, helping them grow their careers and driving diversity, equity and inclusion. That’s what motivates me and that’s what I find most rewarding about this industry.”

Priya’s story is a real testament to her determination and drive, as she continues to make an impact for others both in and outside of Hudson RPO.

If you’ve been inspired by Priya and want to explore the world of talent advisory and recruitment, click here to find out more about life at Hudson RPO.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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