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January 2022 - Hudson RPO
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Archives for January 2022

10 recruitment trends for 2022

10 recruitment trends for 2022

Content Team

This year will change the way we compete for talent. Set your strategy and recruitment teams up for success.

Are you ready to put the lessons we learned last year into action? 2022 will be an exciting time wherein we will see shifts in the way we attract, engage and recruit talent.

We created an overview of the 10 most important trends – and how organizations can adapt to them – to set you and your recruitment teams up for success.

  1. Culture is the cornerstone of your employer brand.
  2. Leverage technology to engage with candidates ahead of time.
  3. Reimagine recruitment strategies to identify soft skills.
  4. Unlock the talent that already works for you.
  5. Be an employer of choice: take care of your employees.
  6. 4 different generations working together in one place.
  7. Show don’t tell: bring employee stories to life.
  8. Impact reaches beyond the workplace.
  9. Commitment is demonstrated in experience.
  10. It begins and ends with your recruitment function.

Download 10 recruitment trends for 2022 now. If you would like to chat further, please get in touch with one of our Talent Experts.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Ready to transform your contingent workforce?

Ready to transform your contingent workforce?

Content Team

Webinar Topic:

Transform your Contingent Workforce – lessons and successes to drive the competitive edge your business needs.

Webinar Details:

The contingent workforce is an increasingly critical component of any organisation’s overall talent strategy. However, many businesses find it a highly challenging and complex environment to manage effectively due to a lack of visibility into their contractor workforce – spend, performance, process and risk management issues.

As we enter 2022 and you start to formulate your plans, there are a few questions you may wish to consider ensuring you are getting it right when managing your contingent workforce:

  • Do you know your VMS from your MSP?
  • Has COVID held back your approach to your non-permanent workforce?
  • Have you started your implementation journey?
Take a listen to our webinar and hear our client, Tabcorp, discuss how they sourced their MSP partner, Hudson RPO, and VMS technology partner, Beeline. Learn why they needed support and the value they’ve seen since implementing.

Key Highlights:

  • Tabcorp (client) had direct relationships with over 50 third party contingent laboursuppliers, 24 of which have now been transitioned to Hudson RPO.
  • Centralization of all contingent workforce recruitment, payrolling, and management via the onsite MSP team Hudson RPO and the vendor management system (VMS) capabilities of Beeline Extended Workforce Platform.
  • Savings from more favourable contractual terms in supplier agreements – e.g., reduced margins and tenure discounts – of more than $384,000 AUD in the first six months


  1. Kimberley Hubble, Hudson RPO, Chief Executive Officer APAC
  2. Carol John, Strategic Client Relationship Manager, Beeline
  3. Jenny Mowatt, General Manager Capability, Tabcorp

How can HR teams achieve cost savings by partnering with an RPO specialist?

How can HR teams achieve cost savings by partnering with an RPO specialist?

Content Team

Are you considering outsourcing your recruitment function to help your team save costs? Outsourcing the recruitment process is a major strategic consideration that will help you identify, secure and retain your company’s greatest asset – it’s people. From talking with our clients around the world, one of the top ways clients have improved their business performance is by partnering with an RPO specialist to help reduce their costs. How does it work?

1. Reduce cost to hire.

Working with an RPO partner significantly decreases the average cost-per-hire, often by more than 50 percent. A tailored RPO solution can supplement hiring and helps you drive quality, efficiency, reduced costs and a reduction in the time to hire. There are different ways an RPO partnership can reduce costs:

  • Faster time to hire.

    Time is money and hiring new professional level employees takes a lot of both. From identifying candidates, to conducting interviews and negotiating offers, acquiring a new employee taxes your internal resources.

    Plus, each day a job requisition remains unfilled, your business loses the benefit of that employee’s contribution. Recruiting and budgetary resources are pulled away from other high-value initiatives. Outsourcing all or part of your internal recruitment function can dramatically reduce your time to hire, sometimes as much as 80%.

two people viewing tablet
Outsourcing all or part of your internal recruitment function can dramatically reduce your time to hire, sometimes as much as 80%.
  • Quality of hire

    Many clients are in a niche sector and need scarce skill sets. Leveraging formerly untapped sourcing channels, to access additional candidates is one of many benefits of outsourcing recruitment. Hudson RPO is highly experienced in candidate sourcing and has a range of multilingual talent sourcers available to meet client’s needs anytime, anywhere. Our award-winning, onsite sourcing team has helped reduce our client’s agency reliance from 92 to 7 percent, while also improving the interview process and implementing a campus hiring program. 

  • Enhanced employer brand

    Utilizing Hudson RPO’s experienced recruiters as an extension of your team provides accessibility to deep candidate networks and reduces time to engage those candidates. Hudson RPO can also include employer branding into your tailored solution to help you further improve your employer brand. As well as creating a better candidate experience, a strong employer brand makes your organization more attractive to candidates and positions you as the employer of choice in your market or industry.

2. Reduce risk in an unpredictable market

When a business downturn hits and recruiting needs suddenly drop, so does a company’s need for in-house recruiters. Likewise, when the business is expanding into another product category or region of the world, recruiting needs may suddenly spike. In both cases, the flexibility and scalability provided by an RPO provider will prove beneficial.

  • Cost reduction through shared risk.

    Outsourcing the recruitment function allows a company to mitigate some of the financial risk of those resources to the business partner. Recruitment outsourcing partners accept the responsibility of efficiently adjusting resource levels when hiring fluctuations happen. As a result, you don’t have to bear the burden of carrying unnecessary staff. Similarly, you face a lesser chance of being short-staffed when greater resources are required.
  • Ability to flex and scale

    An RPO solution allows your organization to flex talent acquisition headcount up and down as hiring needs change. Measuring and tracking performance through regular reporting, alongside talent data that is easily translated to insights, you will increase efficiencies, identify improvements, and better forecast future hiring needs.
several people in meeting
An RPO solution allows your organization to flex talent acquisition headcount up and down as hiring needs change.

3. Reduce operational costs

One of the most common problems we see with the recruitment life cycle is that it can be a disjointed and uncoordinated number of practices—good and bad—across organizational functions, departments, divisions and regions. Often, this causes overlap in media buying, training, and on-boarding procedures. It leads to poorer hiring decisions and higher operational costs.

Piloting an RPO project gives you the opportunity to rethink these processes. The RPO vendor will help examine your recruitment process workflows to determine where overlap, excessive cost, and inefficient practices may exist. Then, an outsourced model can be custom designed, providing you with service levels and success metrics that exceed the status quo. These practices yield increased efficiency and satisfaction with the recruitment life cycle, resulting in overall cost reduction for your company. Questions or ready to get started? Speak to one of our experts today.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Social media is changing, and so should your recruitment strategy.

Social media is changing, and so should your recruitment strategy.

Content Team

Even before the pandemic, designing a social media recruitment strategy was common practice. Almost 85% of American companies say they use it with success. The pandemic has quickly transformed how we interview and onboard new employees. But it is social media that is changing the way we engage with potential candidates and applicants long before their interview. Will the traditional CV be outdated soon?

Social media transforms the traditional CV.

Tiktok recently hit 1bn monthly active users and has done so in record time since launching in 2016. Its rise demonstrates the preference for video content on social media and how important it is for recruitment strategies to stay up to date with trends like these. With increasing popularity in video content, the traditional CV is already making place for a more creative and personal way of pitching one’s work experience.

TikTok is testing a tool that can help brands recruit new employees, allowing users to post a video resume that can look like an elevator pitch or work experience summary. But the effect of social media on recruitment strategies is not just limited to TikTok; some Australian recruitment firms have already reported businesses requesting cover letters in the form of a video pitch. Video CV’s can streamline the online hiring process and allow employers to assess a candidate for communication and presenting skills ahead of an interview. Recording a video as part of an interview process could be standard practice in a couple of years.

It is unlikely that the video CV will completely overtake the traditional CV. Concerns that have been raised so far include the elimination of bias. Does a video CV allow you to be selected based on how you look and speak, rather than on your actual competencies and skillset? Many organizations might prefer to use the blind CV in their initial selection process to eliminate as much bias as possible and make the video part of the later stages in the interview.

young person looking at cellphone while on bicycle
With increasing popularity in video content, the traditional CV is already making place for a more creative and personal way of pitching one’s work experience

Career & recruitment advice on social media.

There is a wealth of resources available on social media for recruitment and career advice. On TikTok and Instagram in particular, the hashtag #careeradvice first gained momentum in the first half of 2021: totaling more than 80 million views. Using hashtags like #careeradvice, #hrtiktok, #careertok and even #recruitersbelike, anyone can find advice ranging from setting boundaries in the workplace, adapting their social profiles to attract interest from recruiters, or how to answer specific interview questions.

Much of the advice geared towards the late millennials and the gen-z audience is no different from career advice in books, podcasts or resources offered to students by universities, but it is the form in which it is consumed that is different. In bitesize video’s, career influencers or ‘careerfluencers’ like @jackiecaves and @apowermood (both ranking up in the hundreds of thousands of followers) offer their audience practical and immediately applicable tips to a wide range of viewers, also making career advice more accessible.

Early adopting organizations have already spotted opportunities on TikTok, creating accounts specifically geared towards short videos representing the day to day while working in their organization, promoted by entry-level and associate workers in their business. Video content is not just an innovative way of presenting a CV; it is also becoming a more popular strategy of presenting an organization, employer brand and current employees to draw in new talent. Hudson RPO is experienced in creating video content and employer branding strategies; click here to learn how we helped one of our clients.

Social media as the new Glassdoor.

Reviewing an experience with an employer now goes further than Glassdoor. Social media is not only changing the way candidates get career advice; it is also used to review and compare employers, benefits, and recruitment processes. One of many examples is this discussion on Reddit’s r/Ausfinance, comparing benefits in times of the great resignation per industry.

Another example is how careerfluencers rate and share their employment experiences and communications with companies. Just a couple of days ago, @jonathanwordsofwisdom posted an Instagram reel explaining how a positive experience with a recruiter at Goldman Sachs, after being rejected for his first interview, helped him land a job offer later on. His 327.000 followers on Instagram (and 850.000 on TikTok) can also find updates on his experiences with his onboarding process at Cisco, highlighted on his profile in story highlights.

While these are examples of positive experiences, content like this goes both ways. Youtube videos of people sharing their ‘interview horror stories’ by platforms like BuzzFeed Video with 20 million subscribers are no exception.

six young people looking at phones, tablets and laptops
Video content is not just an innovative way of presenting a CV; it is also becoming a more popular strategy of presenting an organization.

While watching these videos, other videos in which former employees share their worst experiences while working for Subway, Apple, and IKEA pop up in recommendations. Online lists of the worst communication by talent sourcers and recruitment rejections are easy to find, and last year June, an open letter addressing the workplace culture of BrewDog went viral on Twitter.

Reviewing employers can evidently go two ways. But another trend is the way in which the conversation about corporate culture is opened by pages like @humorous_resources, @just.me.rod and @1.corporatemillennial without relating to one employer or industry specifically. Though the content on these pages seems light-hearted and focused on office- and corporate humor, many of the uploaded posts also cover topics like burn-out, performance anxiety, and the challenges of corporate culture younger generations might face when entering the workplace. By doing so, they are offering essential insights into what the millennial and Gen Z workforce experiences.

Your social media recruitment strategy.

The world of social media changes quickly and influences the way candidates engage with the job market and potential employers. A social media recruitment strategy is crucial and should be reflected in your organizations’ employer branding, sourcing strategies and recruitment technology. An RPO partner can help you keep abreast of the ever-changing and fast-paced world of social media recruitment strategies. Hudson RPO has assisted clients by improving their employer brand, online presence, and our talent sourcers are skilled in finding and talking to candidates on social media. Keep reading about what Gen-Z looks for in employers, or chat to one of our experts.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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