Archives for March 2023

Unlocking the secrets to successful onboarding: best practices for welcoming new talent into your organization

Unlocking the secrets to successful onboarding: best practices for welcoming new talent into your organization

Content Team

Starting a new job is exciting, but it can also be stressful and challenging. Without a formal onboarding process, the toughest parts of the first days, weeks, and months at work are amplified—which isn’t good for your new employee, or for your business. A 2018 onboarding survey by Glassdoor, showed that employees who rated their onboarding experience as ‘highly effective’ were 18 times more likely to feel highly committed to their organization.

Here are the do’s (and a few don’ts) for establishing an onboarding process that warmly welcomes new workers and sets them up for success:

Formalize the process

The Society of Human Resource Management found that effective onboarding processes improve retention by 52% and productivity by 60%. Without a thought-out plan in place, it’s too easy for new hires to be forgotten in a bustling start-up, or when their first day happens during a busy week, or in the midst of a production crisis. 

An established onboarding process that is repeated with each hire ensures new employees have the information they need and a proper introduction to the workplace, no matter what is happening on any given day. Many companies establish onboarding checklists to keep the process moving and make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

Make it more than just paperwork

On average, a new starter is expected to complete 54 tasks during their onboarding process. 58% of organizations say that most of their onboarding programs are focused on processes and paperwork. If possible, take care of the bulk of paperwork before a new employee comes in for the first day. This helps to avoid communication breakdown, and shifts the focus of the onboarding process to the unique skills and talents that your new employee will bring to their team. 

It’s important to keep the employee at the heart of the onboarding process. Too often, managers pay too much attention to programs, job requirements and systems, and while critical, onboarding should be broader. Effective and engaging onboarding must encompass your employer value proposition and highlight how your new employee’s career can grow and how their impact will be felt. Successful onboarding is like a road map that helps new hires envision their future with your business.

Facilitate connection

Part of being a new employee is entering an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar people. While HR can help ease the transition from the recruitment process to day 1, it’s your new starter’s colleagues who will impact their daily experience with your organization.  

You can assist during this transitionary phase by setting time aside for your new starter to build connections, like a team lunch, coffee catch-ups, or a welcome event (be it virtual or face-to-face). Time for introductions and chit-chat can help newbies get past their first-day jitters.

Additionally, consider assigning your new starter with an experienced mentor whom they can consult with. Making sure your new starter has a dedicated resource to ask questions or discuss any challenges they may be faced with is important in the early stages of a new role. Mentors can facilitate an immediate connection, but also offer a new employee an opportunity to build a network. 

What comes after onboarding?

Within the first six to 12 months, your new employee should feel that they are up to speed and an integral part of the team. But the need for training, and a sense of connection with coworkers and the company’s mission never goes away. This is where your employee engagement strategies and career development plans take over to ensure your people feel supported throughout their employment.

A talent partner can help you implement or redesign your onboarding process to improve your retention rates and reduce employee turnover. Click here to read more about how we have helped our clients with their onboarding process or talk to one of our talent experts.

This article was originally published in 2018, we have since updated it with the latest insights of our talent experts to share actionable and relevant talent advice. 

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Rising Star: How a Recruitment ‘Jedi’ Founded a Film Club and is Training the Next Generation of Talent

Rising Star: How a Recruitment ‘Jedi’ Founded a Film Club and is Training the Next Generation of Talent

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Meet Aleix, our talented Recruitment Specialist based in our Edinburgh office. With just 7 months at Hudson RPO under his belt, Aleix has already established himself as a vital member of the team, consistently delivering exceptional results for both our clients and his colleagues. His passion and ambition extends well beyond just his role. Aleix is a dedicated contributor to the broader Hudson RPO culture by initiating the Hudson RPO Film Club, being a dependable support on key client accounts, and actively mentoring and training new recruits in the Hudson RPO academy as they navigate the ever-evolving landscape of top recruitment solutions.

Partnering with clients and colleagues

With a diverse background in recruitment and customer success,  Aleix brings a unique skillset to Hudson RPO. His prior experience working with companies like PlayStation, Tesla, and SIRE Life Sciences has prepared him for the fast-paced and innovative talent advisory and recruitment landscape. As a Recruitment Specialist, Aleix dedicates his time to supporting our clients in the fast-moving consumer goods industry, where he is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. He also partners closely with hiring managers to understand their specific needs and finds top talent to support their ambitions throughout the entire recruitment process.

In addition to his work with clients, Aleix is deeply committed to the development and support of his colleagues. He is highly involved in the academy, providing training and mentoring to new recruits, and takes great pride in seeing them grow and develop. Aleix’s training in the Hudson RPO Academy focuses on recruiters from all levels of experience with backgrounds in a variety of industries. Whether it is early careers or seasoned professional, no stone is left unturned and Aleix ensures that every stage in the recruitment lifecycle is finetuned, tailored and an experience for both clients and candidates. In addition, Aleix is also part of our mentor program (often referred to as ‘office buddies’), making sure new hires settle in well and by providing overall support and guidance.

Aleix standing with recent graduate
“I was so proud to see our last Academy graduate. It was incredible to see them grow and develop into the highly specialised recruitment experts they are today. At the same time, we learn from their transferable skills from a wide range of industries and levels of experience. I hope I have been able to be a small part of this tremendous journey for them. I hope to continue to be involved in the Hudson RPO Academy!”

Joining Hudson RPO

The Edinburgh Centre of Excellence serves as a hub for sourcing top-tier talent from across the EMEA region and beyond. To achieve this, we foster a culture of constant learning and continuous improvement. Regardless of client, industry, seniority, or level of experience, our team members learn from and support one another in their development, striving to provide the best possible service to our clients. Our obsession with quality enables us to provide a high level of specialised, best-in-class talent to our clients. Aleix shares what it was like coming on board:

“The past 7 months have been a whirlwind and time has flown by. From the moment I stepped into the office, I felt welcomed and at home. In such a short period of time, I have built strong connections and friendships with my colleagues that I now see outside of work. Social outings like going to an escape room or seeing movies together has become a regular occurence.”

The Hudson RPO Film Club

The social interactions outside of the office was the impetus that inspired Aleix to start the Hudson RPO Film Club. When he first joined the team, he discovered the existing book club and saw an opportunity to create a similar community around films. Starting with a small group of members in the EMEA office, the club has since grown into an international community of film enthusiasts, with its own dedicated channel for recommending and discussing the latest must-see movies. Aleix has inspired his colleagues to start their own clubs too, and the office now has a book club, film club and cooking club. It’s people-led initiatives like these, that are foundational to the unique culture experienced by our teams at Hudson RPO.

“The Hudson RPO Film Club is open to all and an opportunity for team members to come together, connect and engage in discussions and ratings of films. The club serves as a relaxed and pressure-free environment, where team members can get to know one another better. I am happy that I was encouraged to take an initiative like this, even though I had only just joined the company!”

Aleix’s advice for new starters

At Hudson RPO, we are fortunate to have someone as talented and dedicated as Aleix on our team. His involvement in the day-to-day operations and in mentoring new hires is invaluable. As a seasoned member of the Academy team, Aleix has valuable insights to share with anyone considering joining Hudson RPO. He advises:

“Be open to learning, get involved, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Take advantage of all the training and mentoring opportunities offered and set goals for yourself – the sky is the limit! Most importantly, stay positive and be open to new opportunities and experiences. Hudson RPO is a great place to work and grow, and I am confident that you will find it as rewarding as I have," shares Aleix.

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Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

Navigating the UK Talent Market: Opportunities and Optimism

Navigating the UK Talent Market: Opportunities and Optimism

Content Team

Two months into 2023, the UK talent market continues to evolve in the wake of post-pandemic effects, labour strikes, and the ongoing cost of living crisis. Many workers in the UK are feeling the impact of an uncertain outlook, including imminent layoffs for some industries. Tech employees in particular, as a recent survey of 2000 UK-based tech workers found,  are pre-emptively applying for new jobs over fears of redundancies (53% of the 2000 respondents).

Despite pessimistic narratives across social media and the news cycle, not all is doom and gloom –  even for the tech industry. At Hudson RPO, we have seen 51% of respondents in our end-of-year polls place ‘ongoing growth and expansion’ at the top of their business agenda for 2023. Rajan, Solutions Director EMEA, shares why he believes there is room for optimism.

“I think what we are hearing a lot about at the moment is the result of big tech going too hard too fast at the start of the pandemic. Many considered the sudden increase a permanent acceleration and hired as such, whereas others in the tech-startup environment had not anticipated the macroeconomic environment, making it more difficult to rely on venture capital funding. What is often overlooked in the ongoing conversation about economic outlooks for 2023 is two-fold. Firstly, there is still a massive demand for tech talent across a variety of industries. 79% of tech talent impacted by layoffs, is rehired within three months. Secondly, many industries are thriving; January saw a 24.5% rise in job adverts, compared to the same week the year before.”

According to Rajan and his team, the Energy & Renewables, Medical Device, and the Engineering sectors are amongst the industries to watch in 2023:

Rajan, Solutions Director EMEA
Rajan, Solutions Director EMEA

“What we are seeing in tech may have been a result of hiring for services that are no longer required in a post-pandemic world. But the following industries have remained constant, even when the challenges presented to them in the last three years required them to accelerate or change their operations dramatically.”

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change, ‘green’ jobs are set to become an increasingly important feature in the UK job market. The market size of the Renewable Electricity Generation industry is expected to increase 13.4% this year alone. According to the PwC Green Jobs Barometer, the green economy will outpace the rest of the UK job market in the coming years, with a government target of 2 million jobs in the sector by 2030. This is further supported by the LinkedIn Report: 2023 Jobs on the Rise UK, where Sustainability Managers take 2nd place in the list of the ’25 fastest growing job titles’.

The Medical Device & Technology sector is poised for growth in the UK, as the demand for innovative medical technologies continues to rise. According to a report by Statista, the UK’s Medical Technology industry’s projected market volume for 2023 is £13.95bn. The industry is driven by the growing need for healthcare solutions that improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Regulatory changes such as the introduction of the EU Medical Device Regulation in 2021, and the UK Government’s Life Sciences Vision policy, will fuel demand for innovative technologies and represent a clear drive for the UK to become a global leader in AI and Data driven life science.

According to the latest survey from The Engineer, UK engineers are feeling optimistic about the year ahead. The survey showed that many businesses in the engineering and manufacturing industries are planning to invest in modern technologies focusing on sustainability and innovation. Even though the industry may face key challenges, such as skill shortages and ongoing global supply chain disruptions, there is a sense of confidence and resilience. According to the LinkedIn 2023 Jobs on the rise report, we will see an influx in demand for Sustainability Managers, Machine Learning Engineers, and Security Analysts in the manufacturing and engineering industries.

“2023 will be an interesting year. Some industries will face challenges, others will rely on the opportunities that lie ahead. In any case, companies are facing this in a transformative talent landscape. I believe we will see organisations across a variety of industries fill talent gaps through retention and reskilling efforts, while we navigate what technologies like ChatGPT mean for automation and skill requirements.

It can feel instinctive to reduce spend and keep things in-house in times of uncertainty, but the right RPO partner will be able to anticipate and respond to changing talent requirements. They will also be able to scale up and down as your needs change, without the need for redundancies.” Rajan explains.

If you’re wondering what these trends may mean for your talent strategy, contact one of our experts for tailored advice about your industry.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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