An RPO partner for the mid-market

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Whether you’re a rapidly growing startup, stable mid-size organization, or established tech giant, you need talent to drive your business forward. And sourcing, recruiting, and hiring talent requires a robust talent acquisition (TA) team.

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) companies have historically prioritized working with large companies requiring talent for thousands of roles.

But even businesses—like mid-size organizations—that hire for hundreds of roles would benefit from a partner that can source, schedule interviews, hire, and onboard talent. An RPO partnership is even more paramount for mid-size businesses with multi-country reach.

RPO companies have begun addressing the mid-market, and savvy mid-size corporations are taking advantage. Now that RPO options are available for the mid-market, more and more organizations are partnering with global companies such as Hudson RPO to achieve their talent goals in a scalable, more cost-effective manner.

Let’s explore the many reasons mid-markets are working with RPO providers.

“We worked with Hudson RPO on a unique project, to ramp up hiring when our recruiting team was lean on experience for this particular skillset. We struggled with finding high-quality candidates in our niche industry, but the team at Hudson was not only able to fill our pipeline quickly, they filled it with perfect-match candidates. Their project RPO service made it possible to hire fast and gave our team time to prioritize other initiatives.” – head of procurement in life sciences

Why the mid-market needs an RPO partner

Once RPO providers started tailoring services for the mid-market, mid-size companies jumped at the opportunity to leverage the RPO teams’ unique expertise and flexible options. This is especially true of organizations that are in multiple countries, or have multi-country aspiratons… Have you considered an RPO yet?

Here are a few reasons mid-market organizations have embraced RPO (and why you should, too):

  1. RPO providers have unmatched expertise. They have worked with dozens of clients spanning multiple industries—at Hudson RPO, those include government, tech, pharma, and more. This wealth of experience gives RPO teams deep knowledge. An RPO has likely sourced quality candidates for similar roles and in like industries, so they know what you need.
  2. Flexibility allows you to scale. Talent needs ebb and flow—RPO providers get it. They allow you to scale up or down based on your recruitment needs, so you don’t have to lay off a team of recruiters when hiring slows or pay for a fully staffed in-house team with no work for months. Flexible options like project RPO are the best ways to remain agile as hiring needs change.
  3. RPO providers give you back time. Whether it’s sourcing talent, scheduling interviews, or updating your applicant tracking system (ATS), these tedious tasks steal valuable time from your recruiters. RPO partners take the admin duties off your plate so you can focus on more high-priority work.
  4. RPO offers a more cost-effective approach. When you partner with an RPO provider, they work with you to streamline processes and use recruitment technologies that increase overall efficiency and minimize costs. They also eliminate the need for costly tech subscriptions or full-time salaries for extra headcount. Whether an applicant tracking system (ATS) or onboarding software, RPOs use the latest tech to cut costs.
  5. They create a superior candidate experience. Creating a memorable candidate experience involves constant tweaking, analysis, and strategy—many mid-size TA teams lack the bandwidth. When you choose the right RPO partner, they’ll manage the candidate experience from interviewing to consistent communication to their new hire onboarding.
  6. RPO is fully customizable. Your recruiting needs aren’t one-size-fits-all—neither is RPO. Whether you need support on a one-off project, want long-term assistance, or only need to offload sourcing candidates, RPO lets you customize based on your needs.

Finding the right RPO partner

With so many RPO providers out there, it can be overwhelming to partner with the right RPO, especially if you’re a mid-market company that wants to work with a company that understands your unique challenges.

But if you’re looking for that partner, you’ve come to the right place. Hudson RPO is the answer for neglected mid-size companies looking for support as they ramp up hiring. Contact us today to learn more.

Hudson RPO

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