Cancer Research UK fundraising: Hudson RPO up for the challenge

May 2, 2019

Cancer Research UK fundraising is a mere cycle/swim/hike away!

This June, a team of colleagues from Hudson RPO will swim lakes, climb Helwellyn mountain, and cycle through fresh air and beautiful scenery.

It promises to be a thrilling outdoor challenge. Supported by Hudson RPO, funds raised from the event will benefit the charity Cancer Research UK.

Swimming race featured at Cancer fundraising event
Join us on a thrilling charity challenge! The event will benefit Cancer Research UK.

The event is spearheaded by RPO operations manager Jared Massey.

Jared is organising the event in memory of a very close friend, Andy King, who died recently.

Do you want to join us on in our pursuit of outdoor excellence? You’re warmly invited.

Read on to learn more, or donate to the Hudson RPO / Cancer Research UK fundraiser here.

Event details

Dates: The event begins on Friday, the 14th of June. It ends on the evening of Sunday, the 16th of June.

Starting location: We’ll set off at around 11.30am from the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Edinburgh.

Event stages: The event includes a cycle ride, a swim, and a hike.

  • Friday and Saturday will be spent cycling from Edinburgh to the Lake District.
  • On Sunday morning, we’ll enjoy an invigorating 500 meter swim in one of the beautiful lakes.
  • Following the swim, we’ll hike 10 miles up Hellvelyn mountain, from the village of Glenridding. The hike is planned to begin at 10.30am on Sunday.

Get involved: cycle, swim, or hike… or do all three!

Did you know Hellvelyn is the third biggest mountain in the UK? Imagine the satisfaction of succeeding in this personal challenge, with friends and colleagues at your side.

We aim to support all abilities and encourage everyone to discover the satisfaction of meeting a personal challenge.

All of this will be in the company of friends, including members of Andy’s family who are keen to support us in this initiative.

Of course, you don’t have to participate in the whole event. You can just select a single stage: cycling, swimming, or hiking.

Jared Massey (right), with his close friend Andy King
Operations manager Jared Massey (right), with his close friend Andy King.

All parts of the challenge are hard, but not painfully tough. The idea is to take your time, have some fun, and enjoy the experience.

The challenge is designed to suit all fitness levels.

You can support the Hudson RPO / Cancer Research UK fundraising here. For more information, or to participate, please contact [email protected]

Training inspiration from Jared

While training, Jared continues to be inspired by people like Jurgen Klopp, a professional football manager.

Jared says: “I surround myself with experts and people who are different to me, as I will never pretend to be the best in everything in fitness or at work. By doing this, the scope for excellence is far greater. It pushes all of us to new heights.”

He follows the advice he’s learned from Jurgen, frequently modifying it for the recruitment world:

Be honest if you don’t know. This is not a weakness or shouldn’t be, so I always seek advice on how I should train or indeed how to deliver best in class to our clients.

Bring in energy when people are flagging. Recruitment and this event can and will be a hard slog at times. When the going gets tough, exert some energy of your own into proceedings, with a laugh, a bit of fun or reminding people of the end goal.

Jared says: “To continue my preparation, in the spirit of Jurgen’s advice, I did a couple of 40 mile bike rides at the weekend. I’m also keen to ensure I have the right people on-board with the challenge. The right people make all the difference.”

Be inspired by Jared’s latest training video, as he takes a break from cycle training to explore how we can shift gears to become exceptional recruiters and leaders, or even just better cyclists.

In another video, Jared explores the parallels between training for excellence in recruitment and sport.

Cancer Research UK fundraising: support the cause

Jared said: “Thank you, all. I cannot tell you how difficult it has been recently, like it is for anyone who loses someone close. But hand on heart, working with such great people and a great company has helped me enormously.#

You can support the Hudson RPO / Cancer Research UK fundraising here. For more information, or to participate, please contact [email protected]

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