Employer brand: creating and capturing unique content

Kathi May

Suzanne Chadwick, Director of Employer Brand (APAC) discusses how to create content that matters.

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Employer brand: creating and capturing unique content

I speak with a lot of organisations and leaders about content strategies and purpose and something I see on regular basis is what I would call missed opportunities. There are leaders doing amazing things, there are organisations supporting great causes, there are people in the organisation making a difference, there is real change happening and all of it might be your best kept secret.

We work with global organisations where we’ve developed their brand messaging and then just through random, casual conversations I find out about amazing international exchange programs, kids holiday programs, extraordinary benefits for employees, leaders who go to world class events but no one is talking about it.

I think the big issue is that a lot of times when people have been in organisations for a long time they take things for granted. Some organisations have a lot to shout about but they don’t realise that it’s different or extraordinary because they are so used it to.  It’s their norm.  It’s how it’s always been so they don’t think twice about the fact that a lot of their competitors potentially don’t have the same things available.

I think that’s why having an external consultant come into the business is sometimes a real eye opener because we see it all and we know what goods looks like. We can also pull out the interesting, engaging and exciting stories that you don’t always recognise.  We can craft messages that are everyday language for you but that could be great as a headline, article, video or content.

Content matters today. That’s what we’re all consuming every minute of every day. This video is content and it’s sharing how you can do things that have an impact and that matter. So you need to really look at what content your organisation is creating because if you’re not sharing fresh insights, stories and benefits you’re really missing an opportunity.

Kathi May Headshot

Kathi May

Regional Director, Marketing & Employer Branding

Kathi leads Marketing and Employer Branding in APAC and is passionate about helping Hudson RPO clients attract, engage and retain top talent through innovative employer branding initiatives.  She works closely with the Client Solutions team to develop meaningful marketing strategies that promote the benefits of recruitment process outsourcing in delivering cost reductions, reduced time to hire and significant improvements in quality of talent, staff retention and recruitment service levels.

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