8 Key predictions for a post-pandemic workplace

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The year 2020 is one we will never forget.  The impact of a global pandemic has shaken businesses to their very core, providing the impetus for rapid and radical change across organisations of all sizes and industries.  In our Post-Pandemic Predictions report we unpacked some of the ways we believe workforces will make permanent change.  Here are our 8 key predictions for a post-pandemic workplace.

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Virtual processes are here to stay. From interviewing to onboarding through to the way we consult with stakeholders; virtual recruitment is here to say – and will be the preferred method.

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Companies will focus on their core strengths and look to outsource.  Contingent workforces will continue to grow, as permanent headcount will be considered a risk factor. Gig-style employment will render organisations more nimble and agile during economic volatility.

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Good people offer a competitive advantage, so developing frameworks to support, coach and upskill internal talent is vital.  Internal capability and mobility will be bumped up the priority list.

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Flexibility in all forms will be non-negotiables moving into the workplace of the future. Recalibrating ‘flex’ offerings will be imperative to attracting and retaining talent.

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Delivering exceptional candidate and employee experiences will be crucial in sustaining a competitive advantage over the talent market. Being memorable (for the right reasons) has never been more important.

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Corporate transparency across external and internal communications will be important in capturing the attention of talent and building a strong employer brand in the post-pandemic workforce.

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Ensuring workplace technology is optimised from an employee and talent management perspective will be pivotal in successfully transitioning into the new way of working.

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From staff travel to office expenses, overhead costs will be heavily scrutinised over the coming years. When entire workforces go back to BAU, our discretionary spending will not.

For more detail, read our Post-Pandemic Predictions report. If you would like to speak to a Talent Expert, please contact us.

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